Hello! This is the Northern Eclecta 2025 Public Relations team, and we’re proud to
announce the theme for this year’s edition of Northern Eclecta will be “Legends”.
Most people are familiar with the ideas of tall tales, myths, and legends; for a lot of cultures
and their communities, they serve as vital aspects of identity and heritage. But legends
can also be the people in life that instill heroic qualities in others as well as possessing
and exhibiting the best qualities of humanity. For this year’s installation of NE, we ask
that submissions (short original texts and art pieces) relate to existing and/or original
legends OR serve as a tribute to people valued as legends.
As of now, we have begun to separate into our PR (Public Relations), Design, and
Editing teams to begin organizing and planning this year's edition of Northern Eclecta.
With many new faces and some returning, our team is full of enthusiasm and hope. We
are very excited to be working together on something so substantial to North Dakota
State University and the many students and community involved. We welcome you
along this journey with us and are glad to have you here!
- NE PR Team